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The Executive Director of CAPNI, Reverend Emmanuel Youkhana, participated in the expanded meeting called for by the Non-Governmental Organizations Department in Kurdistan-Iraq on the morning of Monday, May 22, 2023, in the conference hall of the University Cultural Center – University of Dohuk.
More than 200 local and international organizations participated in the expanded meeting.
The meeting program included a welcome speech from Mr. Shimon Shlimon, Deputy Governor of Dohuk, and Mr. Barzan Akram, Director of the Organizations Department.
Then, an introductory presentation was given about the department, its activities and programs, and the development it witnessed in the last two years, especially in the field of organizing work, coordinating with local and international organizations, and building capacities.
Then an open dialogue session was held with the Director of the Organizations Department, who answered with gratitude and in detail all the questions, suggestions, and observations submitted by the participants.

“It is worth mentioning that CAPNI contributed to sponsoring the meeting and the activities that accompanied it, especially the capacity-building workshops for local organizations.”