Volunteerism strategy Plan 2023-2025
During the past five years of the previous strategic plans, CAPNI had some emergency and development projects that have been implemented in various areas in the country. During this period CAPNI had to develop the capacity of over 32 volunteers both local and international by providing access to learning opportunities and hands-on experience working with NGOs to respond to emergencies and implement development projects focused on the rights of minorities. The volunteers had to assist CAPNI by giving their time and effort, which was very useful to the CAPNI team as means of fundraising to support CAPNI programs. CAPNI had to raise thousands of dollars in labor costs fundraising through volunteer labor saving costs which have directly benefited the minority groups. Each of the volunteers had a supervisor who was the sector coordinator or section manager to gain experience. With the experience gained, from CAPNI, some of the past volunteers were able to find a job with other NGOs or companies related to their experience and knowledge gained as well their interests. Hence, CAPNI would like to continue with the volunteerism program in the next three years because it has proved to be a beneficial program to both the volunteer and CAPNI by recruiting 10 volunteers per year [a total of 30 volunteers within the next 3 years] and continuing to offering a venue for them to get hands-on working experience and knowledge for their career development.

Justification and Benefit
The main justification for continuing to promote volunteerism among the youth at CAPNI is necessary to meet sustainable development goals which encourage the organizations in providing the youth with the necessary skills and opportunities needed to reach their potential since young people can be a driving force for supporting the development and contributing to peace and security. NGO organizations need to lead by example by encouraging and empowering the youth to participate in translating the 2030 Agenda into local, national, and regional policy. The youth play a significant role in the implementation, monitoring, and review of the SDG agenda as well as in holding governments accountable. With political commitment and adequate resources, young people have the potential to make the most effective transformation of the world into a better place only if they are given chance by providing access to employment through volunteerism. The summary benefits of volunteering are below.
Provides youth with a sense of purpose.
Provides youth with a sense of community acceptance.
Helps youth meet new friends.
Increases youth social skills.
Improves self-esteem of the youth.
Teaches young people valuable skills.
Provides future job prospects.
Brings fun into your life.
Implementation Plan
The intern volunteers will be provided with in-house training by each sector coordinator and each volunteer will be supported with a small allowance to cover transport when coming to work.