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Project title: Strengthening Christian Presence through supporting Pastoral programs and protecting the written precious heritage of our Churches.

Sector: Eastern Christianity

Donor: Missio – Aachen – Germany (MSDE).

CAPNI Code: MSDE2101

Location: Nineveh Plain – Duhok and Erbil (Ankawa) governorates.

Duration: 1st July 2021 – 31 Dec 2022

Success Stories (Pastoral activity – Meetings of married families – Mother of light’s Church – Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese in Kurdistan Region):

When my wife and I first started attending Meetings of Married Families at Mother of Light Church we quickly had a glimpse into what other couples struggled with. We found out that we were not alone in your struggles. We lacked the urge to attend church and the inspiration to get involved in the activities.

My name is Abir Salem I am 40 years old. My wife and I have been blessed with two twins ages 14. I am a keyboard player. I was intrigued by Rev. Zakaria Ewas’s sketches on Facebook hence we decided to attend one of the meetings; it was very different from anything we had ever seen, light and empowering. I later learned that the reverend is also a musician. Ever since then, me and my wife eagerly look forward to attending the meetings.

Not only that but I have volunteered as the keyboardist of the church choir. So inspired by Rev. Zakaria and his commitment to the church, my wife and I took part in the sketches. We practice our lines together; she corrects me, and I do the same. We have come a long way since we started.  It was one of the most fun experiences for us as a couple. I can state with certainty that our kids started to take the same road as us. They assist the reverend with technical issues. I had never played hymns on the keyboard before. Our family’s course changed as a result of joining the church family. As a person, I believe I am fulfilling a mission and am acting accordingly.