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When: 31 Oct. – 01 Nov. 2022

Where: CAPNI Headquarter – Duhok – KRI – Iraq

Who: CAPNI Partners

On 31 November and 1 December, CAPNI headquarter in Duhok hosted the fifth annual partners roundtable meeting, where 17 representatives of 12 partner organizations and churches from Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway and UK participated (names of participating partners at the end of the post), while a number of other partners apologized due to prior commitments.
The agenda of the meeting on its first day included a presentation on CAPNI supporting departments (human resources, finance, logistics, monitoring and evaluation) and the program sectors (Eastern Christianity, community development, health, education, advocacy). CAPNI director, Father Emmanuel Youkhana, gave a presentation on the current situation in Iraq, with a focus on the situation of minorities, the challenges they face and the needs required for them.

While the agenda of the second day included an open discussion on the importance of the organization and the continuous need for its work and programs to serve vulnerable communities, followed by a detailed presentation of the organization’s work strategy for the next three years (2023-2025), and then CAPNI finance manager gave a detailed presentation with figures and numbers of the financial situation of the organization in the operational and programmatic field and the challenges faced by the organization.
On both days, detailed discussions, interventions, suggestions and recommendations from partners were held on all the topics raised.

The meeting resulted in an action plan for the organization to develop its performance in the operational and programmatic aspects.
It is noteworthy that the meeting, in addition to its importance in terms of deep learning of CAPNI work and participating in its evaluation and development, provides a good opportunity for partners to know about the work of each of them in terms of size and type of activity, and this is part of the transparency that CAPNI is committed to partners and beneficiaries.

Hosting the meeting in Duhok was also an opportunity for partners to get acquainted with the organization’s members, their daily work and the atmosphere of the organization, in addition to getting to know directly the beneficiaries of the programs and activities.
It is noteworthy that this is the fifth roundtable meeting of the partners, which was first launched in 2017, as it was hosted by the Bavarian Lutheran Church in Germany, then Misereor hosted the second meeting in the city of Aachen – Germany in 2018, while the subsequent two meetings were conducted virtually due to Corona pandemic.

In addition to the two days of the meeting, the partners program, which extended to Friday 6th December, included several activities, meetings and field visits, where many projects implemented by CAPNI were visited, and the beneficiary communities and families met, such as Nahla, Faysh Khabour, Sapna area, and others, in addition to an open discussion meeting with the youth, as well as a visit to the various church references in Ankawa.

Names Of Participant Partners (Alphabetically)

  1. Caritas International – Germany
  2. Christlicher Hilfsbund im Orient – Germany
  3. Embrace the Middle East – UK
  4. Evangelical Church in Central Germany
  5. Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria – Germany
  6. Evangelical Lutheran Church in North Germany
  7. Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wuerttemberg – Germany
  8. Evangelical Reformed Church in Zurich – Switzerland
  9. Lutheran World Federation – Switzerland
  10. Stefanus Alliance Inernational – Norway
  11. Swedish Church Relief

And SAT7 TV as honor guest