
This project aims to provide (winterization -kerosene) to the Yazidis and Christian families in vulnerable situations, protect them from the cold weather conditions. 


  1. Coordination with the community leaders in the targeted areas in Dohuk.
  2. Coordination with local authorities in Duhok to obtain the necessary official letters to implement the project activities.
  3. Identify the 796 households that will receive kerosene.
  4. Set approaches of implementation by preparing the project work plan.
  5. The implementation will follow the administrative and financial criteria of CAPNI.
  6. Request of quotation for at least three companies (bid analysis).
  7. Signing a contract with the winning bidder to distribute the kerosene on the selected families.
  8. Organizing the Distribution Site, as a general rule it is best to have the distribution points as close to the beneficiaries as possible so as to reduce the cost of travel for them both to and from the site. For dispersed populations, beneficiaries should not have to travel more than a maximum of 5km to distribution points. In selecting distribution points, factors affecting vulnerable people’s physical access should be taken into consideration, e.g., ability of disabled people to travel long distances, particularly in the dark.
  9. Monitoring and evaluation the project activities during the period of the project.

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