CAPNI targeted the Faysh-Khabur area through a range of activities for both genders, as these activities contribute to raising the educational and health level of the people of the region, and improving the livelihoods of the beneficiaries and more than 120 families.

These activities, such as health awareness lectures such as how to measure pressure, oxygen, and medical equipment, play an important role in trying to reduce health risks in the elderly and young people.

Activities such as building greenhouses as well as cash for work in raising the economic level, changing the traditional method of agriculture, and paying attention to modern agriculture to increase income.

As well as increasing the educational level of children aged 4-13 by giving lessons on language as well as in art and sports, as well as raising awareness of young people about giving lectures on the Internet, how to protect against hacks (cybersecurity), the rights of children and women and healthy nutrition.


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