Objective 1

Designing and launching one software application to view and use the liturgical texts of the Church of the East (Assyrian and Chaldean) as the first stage.

Objective 2

Promoting the Syriac language by producing and posting three videos annually on social media platforms.

Objective 3

Introducing the ecclesiastical and cultural identity, history, and language of Eastern Christianity, through printing three publications annually, not exceeding 100 copies per publication.

Objective 4

Increasing the knowledge of the national, cultural, and linguistic identity of Christianity and the oriental churches in Kurdish society, through the printing of one publication at a rate of 2,000 copies per year.


Activities to be implemented in coordination with implementing partners

  1. Designing and launching one software application to view and use the liturgical texts of the Church of the East (Assyrian and Chaldean).
  2. Producing and posting three videos annually on social media platforms to promote the Syriac language.
  3. Printing at least 3 publications annually in the field of Syriac language, culture, and heritage with a total of at least 300 copies (per year).
  4. Publishing one book annually in the Kurdish language to introduce the Syriac language, culture, heritage, and oriental ecclesiastical history.


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