
Preserving the antiquity of the church and contributing to encouraging families to return to their original homeland.


The CAPNI organization, through the Relief and Emergency Department, continues to make efforts to preserve the archaeological Mar Gewargis Church in Baqoufa and make it an archaeological shrine for the people of the village of Baqoufa and the surrounding villages. The project is funded by the University of Pennsylvania (PENN) / US State Department.

Execution work began by removing the old plaster of the internal and external walls of the church, in addition to the external wall of the church, but the work is progressing slowly, as the church is very old, in an attempt to avoid strong vibrations caused by machines. With high scores, so as not to take new damage while working.

With the beginning of the removal of the old plaster, more damage appeared to the walls and ceiling of the church and the classrooms than was noticed before the removal of the old plaster. It is corroded and needs to be handled carefully during abrasive work and needs to be processed in the next stage of work.

At this stage, the archeology expert and the engineering committee of the donor communicate with the relief and emergency department of the CAPNI organization, in addition to the engineering committee of the Mar Gewargis  church administration, to develop the best possible method for preserving the church’s antiquities through agreement on the materials used as well as the method of their use, Where the work was stopped during implementation at the request of Mr. David, an expert in the antiquities of the donor, In order to study the archaeological condition of the church, and after each implementation stage, the work is stopped to inspect the conditions of the walls and foundations of the church.

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