
Preserving and protecting the cultural heritage by preserving the cultural heritage sites of minorities in northern Iraq.



  • CAPNI began coordinating with the parish priest in Tel kaif regarding the church rehabilitation project, also coordinating with the diocese in order to obtain approvals and official documents for the completion of the project.
  • The work was completed as planned, as work was done on scraping the damaged plaster in the main corridor of the church with the walls of the corridor leading from the church to the first floor and the roof and re-plastering it.
  • Work was also done on the electrical work by extending the appropriate cables and electrical connections from the main board to the secondary board and from there to the library room, the church and the operating points.
  • As for the ceiling of the library, the secondary ceiling was installed below the main ceiling, with the lighting of the secondary ceiling installed.
  • After completing all the construction and painting works, the new wooden door of the room and the new iron door leading to the roof were installed, which resulted in re-cleaning and fumigating the sides of the door frame to match the new doors.
  • As for the handrail, the new one has been installed well, while the old handrail, it has been restored, as the damaged parts were welded by electric welding with good cleaning of the old dye and anti-rust dye and greasy dye.

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