QUEST Project

Quest is one of the main projects in the Lutheran World Federation funded by Kerk in Actie and technically supported by Truvalu moreover it’s under the Business Recovery Services (BRS&F) sector in Iraq in partnership with CAPNI and Rwanga Foundation., BRS&F project started in Kurdistan Region to support 15-25 SME’s aiming to recover and expand SME’s services and product lines furthermore contributing in creating unlimited job opportunities in Duhok and Ninawa governorates.

The objective of BRS&Fund is to contribute to a long-term sustainable social-economic recovery targeting disastrous societies through providing sustainable incomsourcesce however this can be achieved by restarting/ scaling SMEs’s and providing job opportunities in a diverse community.

In short, the concept of BRS&Fund consists of a tailor-made package of a loan, business development support, and technical assistance to the companies’ management, as well as Technical & Vocational Training for its current and new employees/workers. The concept also integrates the approach developed by Kerk in Actie for repairing the social fabric of communities called Shared Futures as follows: By bringing entrepreneurs and employees with different backgrounds together an economic activity – from among refugees, displaced, and residents and with different religious, ethnic, social, economic, gender and abilities – BRS&F contributes to social cohesion at the personal, interpersonal and community levels.



Enable vulnerable IDPs, refugees, returnees, and host communities to meet their humanitarian and development needs, thereby reducing the social and economic impact of the conflict and COVID-19 in a more sustainable manner.



  • Loan Provisioning
  • Social Cohesion activities
  • Technical Vocational Educational Training


Recent implemented activity

Steering Committee Meeting #12 (February 9th 2023)

In partnership with the partners-Implementer the CAPNI, Rwanga Foundation for Development, with the presence of Truvalu company for technical support, LWF organization held a steering committee meeting No. 12 to announce and launch the QUEST project for supporting and developing the SMEs in the governorates of Dohuk and Nineveh.

This meeting focused on announcing the start of the activities adopted by the QUEST project, including financial support in the form of loans, commercial development, and entrepreneurship for small and medium-sized companies, and focusing on creating job opportunities in the region and social cohesion (Shared Future) of the targeted communities, including Syrian Refugees, displaced persons, host communities, and returnees.


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