
  1. Providing necessary winterization needs to 305 families (200 returnees to Sinjar and 105 vulnerable in Dohuk -Shiladizy area) to help them surviving the cold winter.
  2. Encouraging more IDPs to return back to their place of origin in Sinjar.
  3. Preserve and protect minorities existence in their historical lands in Sinjar leading to protecting historical and cultural diversity in the region and all of Iraq.


  1. Coordinating with the community leaders in Sinjar and Shiladizy.
  2. Coordinating with local authorities in Nineveh, Sinjar and Duhok and obtaining the necessary official letters to implement the project activities.
  3. Identifying the 200 returnee families in Sinjar and 105 vulnerable families in Dohuk who will receive winterization items.
  4. The implementation followed the prepared project work plan.
  5. A bidding invitation was in place for three qualified companies. The tenders were submitted to analysis where one was selected to supply the winterization goods.
  6. The implementation follows the administrative and financial criteria of CAPNI.
  7. The distribution site was organized as a general rule. Identifying the possible closer distribution points to reduce beneficiaries’ driving cost to receive the items. For dispersed populations, beneficiaries should not have to travel more than a maximum of 5 km to distribution points. In selecting distribution points, factors affecting vulnerable people’s physical access should be taken into consideration, e.g., ability of disabled people to travel long distances, particularly in the dark.
  8. Monitoring the project activities through all the phases of the project.
  9. Evaluating the Project when the activities were conducted.

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