
Greenhouses/Training, Grants, Planting Trees.

Objectives: Job opportunities, Training the local farmer in Modern farming methods, Financing small projects through grants, and Planting fruit trees.

Improving livelihoods through sustainable agriculture This project, which is supervised and followed up by the CAPNI organization and funded by the ZOA organization, aims to support eight villages belonging to the Sapna area of Duhok Governorate, and these villages are predominantly Christian, and this project will provide job opportunities for the local population in addition to raising the level of cultural farms through training courses as well as planting new types of crops and training the local population to transform their fruits into other more profitable products.  This will be achieved through the activities of the project, which include planting several types of fruit trees and providing each village with a greenhouse, as well as grants for small projects, which will be supervised and trained by a special consultant who will accompany them.

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