
  1. Enhance the rights of Iraq minorities group by publishing 3 reports/studies to be presented to the Kurdistan and /or Federal Iraq for adoption as a law.
  2. Increase human rights and advocacy skills to 120 participants by providing 4 online courses, which will be resulting in having at least 67% of graduates with a certificate at end of each course.

3.1: Enhancing human rights in Iraq through contribution to preparing two law drafts and /or law amendments to be presented to parliaments of Kurdistan and /or Federal Iraq.

3.2: Promote Minority Rights through a lobby movement to amend one law in Baghdad.


CAPNI in the 1st year, will implement a study on the Christian migration from Iraq, its causes and impacts. The study will be in the Kurdish region, Nineveh plain, and Baghdad after selecting the samples of study, and there will be cooperation a research consultant and with the Ministry of Migration – Safe Return Unit. As for 2023 and 2024 CAPNI will work on the report/studies for the land-grabbing on Christian properties and for 2025 the title of the study/report will be announced in the late of 2024.

CAPNI will cooperate with Beirut-In for 3 years to design the platform, also, Stefanus Alliance International which is one of CAPNI’s donors will provide a free online course to motivate the human rights education in Iraq, adjoining this, CAPNI will cooperate of the minority rights expert who used to work with Minority Rights Group International to design a course. CAPNI will have this platform to launch two courses a year and both will be self-study course, and each participant will go through various of quizzes and assignments to finish each course with a certificate provided electronically by CAPNI.

CAPNI will cooperate with KOHRW which will undertake a qualitative study that will involve a roundtable (focus group discussions) that will give insights into current laws in Iraq that have a detrimental influence on the minority. as well as to analyses the usefulness of current laws in Iraq by analyzing relevant literature, agreements, and programs The study will specifically seek to determine the perspectives of minorities in Iraq on laws that have been enacted or altered, as well as the impact of these laws on them. Conducting field surveys and interviews with the target group would aid in reviewing the components of the study issue and drawing conclusions in order to attain the study’s aims. Focus group discussions provide various advantages, including the ability to obtain information quickly and cheaply from a large spectrum of responses. Furthermore, the researcher will have the option to communicate directly with the respondents in order to explain, elaborate, and better grasp their thoughts and points of view. Respondents will also have the opportunity to develop their replies to and build on other responses; the responses of other group members may produce a dynamic ‘synergistic’ impact. This study will present to CAPNI the most needed two laws that need to be worked on, one during 2024, and one during 2025.

After finishing the study of Islamization of Minors [Article 26, National Card Law 2016] and after the good outcomes where Al-Sudani has included its amendment in the cabinet program, but he is not the one to enact change, thus CAPNI is working with its well-known partner Ufuq Organization in Baghdad to persuade MPs to grasp the implications of Article 26 and how it portrays Islam adversely. From this level, Sudani will observe the outcomes of the lobby process on the MPs as they are heading towards amending this law and by this, he will have the space to amend it and to break the biggest wall that the religious minorities face in Iraq.

CAPNI will continue its good experience with Power Insights for Digital Marketing as they made up good outcomes for the project of ELKB during 2022, but this time, CAPNI will level up its work to focus on promotion of freedom of religion or belief by creating audio-visual contents that will later be broadcasted on the internet to the Iraqi people. And CAPNI will seek to have a long-term cooperation with Power Insights to work for 2024 and 2025.

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