
Strengthening Christian Churches’ Unity through Pastoral, Ecumenical Programs, and Preserving Cultural Heritage.


  1. Mar George Chaldean Church in Telesquf – Chaldean Archdiocese of Alqosh: Brotherhood of love’s fountain (Youth’s meetings): Camps, recreational activities, and tourist and religious trips were held to enrich the meetings and create a distinct atmosphere, especially since these meetings were the only ones that bring our youth together in one place, which is their mother church.
  2. The Love and Joy Group – Joy and Happiness for People with Special Needs (Alqosh and Telesquf): raise the performance of our brothers with special needs, in important daily dealings, and achieved good communication with society.
  3. Chaldean Diocese of Alqosh (Mar Georges Church in Alqosh) & the Ecumenical Institute for the Middle East: providing ecumenical formation to Christian youth and theological students in Iraq as a contribution to the mission of the middle east church and its search for unity, and to maintain Christian presence and witness in Iraq.
  4. The Ecumenical Institute for the Middle East & the Iraqi students: enhancing the Youth’s Ecumenical role between different churches.
  5. Syriac Language and Cultural promotion: authors, Bet Kanu (Org.), Assyrian Writers League, and Alqosh Cultural Association advocates of Syriac Language and Cultural promotion.

Success Stories (Ecumenical activities)

My name is Rand Fayaz. I participated in the ecumenical meeting that was held in Alqosh, in Al-Fadi Monastery as well as the event in Ankawa. I had surface knowledge about ecumenism, and the ecumenical meetings gave me the opportunity to an understanding that goes beyond the term, including the ability to pass on what I have acquired to my family and church. I learned many things about the meaning of ecumenism and the importance of solidarity and cooperation among our church families.

Furthermore, in these two fruitful meetings with different members of various churches, I got acquainted with the concept of ecumenism from an academic point of view and how it was established as a beautiful movement aimed at the concepts of living, what we have in common with the other who is different from me. We will be supportive of this enlightened thought which, I believe, is the key to solving many of the crises that occur in the Middle East.

I believe that ecumenism is a meeting, prayer, love, acceptance of the other, openness, dialogue, service, and testimony to Jesus Christ.

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