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When we recall CAPNI of 1993 and its spiritual advocates, both founders and donors, we refer with high compliment and appreciation to seven volunteers who were dedicated to serve their people and country and to the two donor churches that committed themselves to supporting the Church and Eastern Christianity in its homeland and roots in Mesopotamia. They were the first seeds for an institution, not just an organization, which is today regarded as one of the largest Christian humanitarian institutions in Kurdistan and Nineveh Plain.

CAPNI Today Is No Longer Just

  • A group of volunteers who have come together as a work team that is simply responding to immediate humanitarian needs for their needy people
  • A group of individuals having limited social and business ties with their surrounding.
  • A depot, donated by one of its founders the deceased Petros Zacharia, located at his family residence where meetings could be held and files be archived.
  • An initiative supported by two German Lutheran Churches of Bavaria and Württemberg, the spiritual sponsors of the organization, which remained and are still two key supporters.

But Rather

  • CAPNI today has structured its activities and programs into five specialized sectors: Eastern Christianity, Community Development, Health, Education, and Advocacy. Each is coordinated by a dedicated manager and staff with experience and know-how in their field of work in terms of planning, implementation and follow-up at all stages of the project cycle. The work of the sectors is managed and followed up by a qualified program manager who has long years’ experience.
  • CAPNI 1300 square meter headquarter working space accommodates 42 qualified staff members who are serving in the above supporting departments and programs’ sectors. In addition to the office-based staff, CAPNI has dozens of field staff as may deem necessary by programs under implementation.
  • CAPNI today became an institution that has its financial system which is subject to annual internal and international auditing. This system is being improved annually based on the self-acquired experience and recommendation given by the donors and auditors.
  • CAPNI today is an institution whose programs have gone beyond simply responding to emergency humanitarian needs into medium and long-term programs of action in line with its strategy adopted after months of theoretical and field studies under the supervision of local and international experts.
  • CAPNI today, has professional and well-structured executive staff headed by the executive director who takes care of the daily work of CAPNI. For its day-to-day and programmatic management, CAPNI is run by a management team consisting of the Executive Director, Program Manager, and managers of the supporting departments: Finance, Human Resources and Logistics. The team meets periodically to follow up tasks and make decisions and recommendations.
  • CAPNI today, has professional and well-structured executive staff headed by the executive director who takes care of the daily work of CAPNI. For its day-to-day and programmatic management, CAPNI is run by a management team consisting of the Executive Director, Program Manager, and managers of the supporting departments: Finance, Human Resources and Logistics. The team meets periodically to follow up tasks and make decisions and recommendations.
  • CAPNI today is an institution functioning in line with a clear and specific vision and mission and motivated by the slogan: TO KEEP THE HOPE ALIVE.
  • CAPNI today is an officially registered and recognized by all relevant government authorities as per the applicable rules and regulations putting it under legal obligations towards the state.

However, all the above shall remain limited in impact without the organization having extensive and a strong network of national and international relationships with governmental, church and community institutions and authorities, donor and implementing partners, media and more.