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November 4, 2023

With Missio-Aachen’s support, by the strategic plan for the projects of the Eastern Christianity Sector of CAPNI, the Ecumenical Institute for the Middle East held an ecumenical gathering for Iraqi youth at the Catholic University – Erbil on November 4, 2023. 25 young men and women from various church families (Chaldean, Assyrian, Syriac Orthodox, and Syriac Catholic) attended the gathering.
The goal of the gathering is to maintain the Christian presence and testimony in Iraq and provide ecumenical formation to young people and theology students in Iraq as a means of supporting the church’s mission and unity-seeking efforts.
The Ecumenical Institute led an ecumenical prayer to begin the gathering. Following this, attendees were introduced to one another and the meeting organizers gave brief remarks of welcome. Father Alber Hisham presented a lecture entitled, “Ecumenical Challenges in Iraq”. Father Alber made several important points, the most important of which being that “Ecumenism calls us to think collectively about the fate of the Christian presence in Iraq, and to join sincere efforts to find solutions to these crises.”
Following the break, Father Alber organized the attendees into four working groups. Each group discussed several questions set by CAPNI’s MEAL Department to monitor the needs of youth and churches. After a hearty meal and certificate sharing, the gathering came to an end.