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The Advocacy sector of the CAPNI Organization, as part of the JISRA project, organized a training workshop titled “Media Training for Social Change / Advanced Level” for three consecutive days from Wednesday, February 22, 2023, to Friday, February 24, 2023, at the Saint Gorgis Cultural Complex hall in Bashiqa.
This training workshop was managed and facilitated by Mr. Khidher Domli, with the participation of colleagues Mr. Bassam Salim (JISRA Area Coordinator in the Nineveh Plain), Mr. Rama Baito (JISRA Project Coordinator), and Mr. Michael Samir (Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in the JISRA Project) to support the team in monitoring and evaluation-related matters. Members of JISRA Community Committee also participated in the workshop, including Mrs. Kalhan Luqman, Miss Rita Ammanoel, Miss Siraj Ali, Mr. Mohammed Dahham, Mr. Nashwan Salman and Mr. Amer Abdulwahid.
A delegation from the Tearfund organization visited the training; Mr. Ammar Yonan (Iraq Tearfund Program Manager) and Mr. Ninos Hawil (Tearfund Iraq-Partner Liaison and Programme Officer) with the aim of inspecting and ensuring the progress of project activities
Young people of both genders representing various components of Bashiqa, ranging in age from 18 to 35, participated in this training workshop.
The training covered various topics, including:
Freedom of religion, belief, and the media, and how to promote freedom of religion and belief.
An introduction to interactive media campaigns and the role of media in building peace.
How to create media content about freedom of religion and belief (theoretical and practical).
Steps for writing reports on freedom of religion and belief and interactive content to implement campaigns promoting freedom of religion and belief.
Explaining the advantages of content related to freedom of religion and belief.