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The Nineveh Governorate witnessed a series of constructive discussion sessions among various components as part of the JISRA project. These sessions took place over 8 dialogues from August to November 2023, bringing together diverse segments of society to discuss the causes and consequences of hate speech and explore ways to mitigate its impact on community cohesion.
Participants included active youth, community leaders, administrative and security authorities, and religious figures from all backgrounds, providing the sessions with a diverse and comprehensive character to achieve a holistic understanding of the challenges arising from hate speech.
The sessions also focused on discussing a preliminary agreement aimed at establishing effective measures to curb the spread of hate speech. These measures are expected to cast a positive light on society as a whole. In this context, participants emphasized the importance of achieving consensus and inclusivity in formulating this agreement to ensure its effectiveness and impactful influence. It is anticipated that this agreement will contribute to shaping a better future by supporting collective efforts to combat the spread of hate speech and promoting values of tolerance and cohesion in the community. Achieving this goal requires continuous interaction and collaboration among all segments of society, and this constructive meeting represents a significant step toward realizing this noble objective.