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The “We Are All One” campaign was planned and executed by prominent participants and activists from the Yezidi community in Bashiqa and Bahzani within the JISRA project. The initiative titled “Empowering Yezidi Women in Decision-Making and Countering Hate Speech” targeted the Yezidi community in the Bashiqa sub-district.

Campaign Goals:
1- The actors from the targeted community employ various means and methods within their societies to promote inclusive and tolerant positions that challenge harmful customs, attitudes, and behaviors.
2- The targeted components possess more open and tolerant customs and practices towards gender, age, and individuals.
1- The ultimate goal is to establish peaceful and just communities where everyone enjoys freedom of religion or belief.
3- Engaging religious leaders, local elders, and decision-makers in Bashiqa and Bahzani in the implementation of the initiative, due to their direct influence on the community, and positively seeking their support to enhance the status of women and reject/reduce hate speech.
Campaign Activities:
1. A dialogue session targeting individuals in leadership positions and representatives of non-governmental organizations.
2. A concluding conference to present key aspects related to the issue, implementing segments to convey indirect messages for influencing decision-makers and religious leaders, and motivating Yezidi women to engage in social participation and affecting members of the community at large.
3. Individual field visits to decision-makers in social councils, including the presence of a religious figure among those conducting these individual visits.
4. Distributing a questionnaire on social media platforms regarding the topic of Yezidi women’s involvement in decision-making.