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The Christian Component initiative was planned and executed in Bashiqa by prominent participants and activists from the Christian community, as part of the JISRA. The initiative was titled “Promoting Diversity and Acceptance within the Community between the Bashiqa and Bahzani”.
Campaign Goals:
1. The actors from the targeted community employ various means and methods within their societies to promote inclusive and tolerant positions that challenge harmful customs, attitudes, and behaviors.
2. The targeted components possess more open and tolerant customs and practices towards others.
3. The ultimate goal is to establish peaceful and just communities where everyone enjoys freedom of religion or belief.
4. Emphasizing that what unites the two locations is greater than what separates them, as it’s important to respect the privacy of each location and avoid encroachment upon it.
Campaign Activities:
1. Discussion Session: The topics of this session revolved around the history of the churches of both locations, Bashiqa and Bahzani, which were presented by Deacon Sabah. He mentioned the reasons behind the names of these churches and discussed their historical and cultural heritage in the location.
2. Religious Questions: Religious questions were presented in the form of a competitive quiz, with symbolic prizes awarded to the winners to encourage competition and participation among the attendees.
3. Theatrical Presentation: A scenario about a love story between a young man from Bashiqa and a girl from Bahzani. Due to the cultural differences between the two locations, the girl’s family initially rejected the proposal. However, after the intervention of individuals presumed to be mediators from CAPNI/JISRA, they eventually agreed to the engagement.
4. Folkloric Dance (Dabke): People from Bashiqa and Bahzani performed a traditional dance together, linking this segment with the theatrical presentation after the girl’s father agreed to the engagement.
5. Art Exhibition: An exhibition of artistic paintings that depict the past and present of the two locations through artistic representations, promoting coexistence, and unity, and highlighting the commonalities between the two locations.