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The “Between Us” Initiative (Towards More Stable Communities for Enhancing Acceptance and Diversity) is an initiative specific to the Muslim community in Bashiqa, as part of the JISRA project. The Muslim community in Bashiqa consists of both Sunni and Shia sects, as well as a variety of ethnic groups.
Campaign Goals:
1- The actors from the targeted community employ various means and methods within their societies to promote inclusive and tolerant positions that challenge harmful customs, attitudes, and behaviors.
2- The targeted components possess more open and tolerant customs and practices towards gender, age, and individuals.
1. 3. The ultimate goal is to establish peaceful and just communities where everyone enjoys freedom of religion or belief.
2. 4. Sunni and Shia sects in Bashiqa should work towards accepting each other regardless of the differences between their religious rituals.
Campaign Activities:
1. Unified prayer between Sunni and Shia sects at the Mosque of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba / Shia Mosque.
2. Unified prayer between Sunni and Shia sects at the Al-Hassib Mosque / Sunni Mosque.
3. Distributing stationery to summer courses for children at the Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Mosque, which includes children from both sects. The stationery is specially designed for this activity, containing Quranic verses, prophetic sayings, and phrases about acceptance and diversity within the same community.
4. The final conference, which encompasses various activities promoting unity, acceptance, and diversity among Muslims.