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On February 15th, 2023, the Eastern Christianity sector team in CAPNI Organization, visited the Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Ankawa – Erbil. The visit included a meeting with His Eminence, Archbishop Mar Nicodemus Daoud (Saman) Matty Sharaf, and Mr. Youssef Rafi Jalil to discuss the final stages of contributing and supporting the third annual youth festival of the Sons of Peace gathering activity within (The Youth Growing Upwards and Outwards) project.
The team also visited Father Zakaria Saad Habib Saeed, the priest of Umm Al-Nour Church – Ankawa. The visit included a discussion of affairs and requirements related to supporting the activity of lectures given to married couples, as a part of supporting the CAPNI organization project (Strengthening Christian Presence through Supporting Pastoral Programs and Protect the written precious heritage of Our Churches). In conclusion, everyone expressed their gratitude for providing a helping hand through the actions and support provided by the CAPNI Organization.