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CAPNI conducting in house training on “Performance Management Systems” to all its Board Members and 40 staff members. In house capacity building on performance management systems was conducted by the Program Manager Misheck Lyuba Chitanda which has foster a sense of ownership and empowerment of all 40 staff and Board members to drive the three years –(2023-2025) strategic plan. Since CAPNI believed that being a local NGO we need to reduces the dependency on outsiders in providing capacity building to its staff and Board members, since this will encourages CAPNI staff themselves to take overall ownership on systems changes and improvements.
The training was held for tree days the first day was attended by CAPNI board members ,while second day was attended by senior management team and sector coordinators and last day was well attended by all junior staff from all departments.
CAPNI is expected to driver the 2023-2025 strategic plan objectives through the PMS skills provided to its Board Members and staff , since individual performance review will be direct linked to the approved strategics plans objectives of which by end of the approved strategic plan, the main goals to ensure that “minorities community in Iraq enjoy their basic human rights ,are respected and have dignified lives in the society will be achieved, hence meeting sustainable development goals (SDG) .