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With the support provided by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bayern – Germany, the Advocacy sector of CAPNI for Humanitarian Aid in Iraq, in cooperation with Ufuq Organization, implemented an interactive session on Friday, Aug 11th, 2023 which brought together stakeholders to discuss the amendment of Article 26 of the Iraqi National Card Law. A large number of religious and community leaders participated in this session, in addition to a group of judges and human rights advocates. The topics in this session, which was held at the headquarters of the Baghdad Academy for Humanities, and which dealt with legal, social, and humanitarian issues, were presented by Judge Hadi Aziz, the Iraqi thinker Rahim Abu Ragheef, and Archimandrite Emanuel Youkhana. In addition, opinions and suggestions were exchanged by attendees representing different social components. The session also included the launch of the book “Laws Expelling Minority Communities in Iraq,” which was prepared in cooperation between CAPNI and Ufuq organizations.
The next day, Sheikh Saddam Zamil Al-Atwani, under the auspices of His Excellency the National Security Adviser, Mr. Qassem Al-Araji, and in the presence of the Prime Minister’s advisor, Sheikh Nuri Al-Anzi, hosted a number of sect leaders, clerics, clan leaders, and academics from colleges and universities. The aim of this hosting was to embody the spirit of citizenship and brotherhood between All Iraqis are under the tent of our beloved Iraq. In his opening speech, Al-Atwani praised the role of Iraqi clans in serving society and protecting the homeland and the role of religious references in promoting community peace and rejecting all manifestations of racism and hate speech. Sheikh Al-Atwani also directed the need to promote the concept of citizenship and social justice, as well Mr. Qassem Al-Araji, saluted in his speech this blessed assembly and the need to strengthen these dialogues that express the Iraqi identity known for its originality and acceptance of the other. Archimandrite Emanuel Youkhana also delivered a speech centered on the importance of protecting Iraqi diversity through curricula and the media. He stressed the various references in this regard and praised the importance of the work of my organization, CAPNI & Ufuq,in this regard.