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The Advocacy sector of the CAPNI and within the JISRA project delivered a training on (Media for Social Change / Advanced Level) for a period of three days, from Friday (3/10/2023) to Sunday (3/12/2023) in the Family Teachers Club Hall in Al-Hamdaniya district.
This training was managed and facilitated by the trainer, Mr. Khidher Al-Domli, with the participation of CAPNI staff Mr. Bassam Salim (JISRA Area Coordinator of the Nineveh Plain), Mr. Rama Baito (JISRA Project Coordinator) and Mr. Michael Sameer (JISRA Monitoring and Evaluation Officer) and all the members of the JISRA community committee, Ms. Siraj Ali, Mr. Nashwan Salman, Ms. Rita Ammanoel, Ms. Gulhan Luqman, Mr. Mohammed Dahham and Mr. Amer Abdulwahid.
Youth from different components of Al-Hamdaniya and both sexes, between the ages of (18-34), participated in this training.
The training included various topics, including:
The foundations of promoting Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB).
Skills and rules of specialized writing on religion and religious diversity.
Standards for writing religious and humanitarian articles and reports.
Steps to preparing specialized interviews.
Explanation of the steps to produce content for social media (from videos, texts, articles, audios and infographics).
Characteristics of FoRB content for media campaigns.
Finally, producing interactive content on social networking sites on FoRB.