
  • Support 470 returnee’s families to Sinjar with winterization items that necessary for them to survive from the cold.
  • Encouraging more IDPs to returnee back to their place of origin.
  • Preserve and protect minorities existence in their historical lands



  1. Coordination with the community leaders in Sinjar.
  2. Coordination with local authorities in Nineveh, Sinjar and Duhok and obtained the necessary official letters to implement the project activities.
  3. Identify the 470 returnee families in Sinjar to be supplied with winterization items.
  4. Set approaches of implementation by created the project work plan.
  5. The implementation followed the administrative and financial criteria of CAPNI.
  6. Organized the Distribution Site as a general rule, The distribution point was close to the beneficiaries and that reduced the cost of travel for them both to and from the site.
  7. Monitoring the project activities through all the duration of the project live time.
  8. Evaluation of the Project when the activities come to the end.

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