
  1. About 450 their life condition improves.
  2. About 450 People with special needs their health conditions improve.
  3. About 450 People with special needs or their sponsor’s knowledge of using wheelchairs improves.



CAPNI health sector succeeded to deliver 520 wheelchairs to 520 persons with special needs who were in need of these wheelchairs and couldn’t afford to purchase them because of their limited financial ability.

The project was in coordination with an international organization that offered free wheelchairs for CAPNI, the international organization name “Free Wheel-chair Mission”, located in USA.

the project implemented the distribution activities as the plan designed for the project.

First, we announce the availability of free wheelchairs through our Facebook site and through local partners in churches and government health facilities.

After receiving the applications from the people, we select those who met the selection criteria as we give priority to the poor people who have no income, and the marginalized families, like widows, divorced, and people who live in rural and remote areas.

The distribution of wheelchairs was accompanied by a short session about the safe use of the wheelchair and what are the medical risks we should avoid being avoided during using of wheelchairs.

The distribution team consists of two social workers one male and one female who had skilled training from the donated organization “free wheelchair mission” located in the USA, the training was online for one week.

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