
  • Until the end of the project, basic curative and preventive health services provides in 33 villages with most vulnerable population in the Zaxo, Amadiya and Nineveh plain district.
  • Until the end of the project, the specialist medical examination, follow up and treatment of patients with chronic diseases that are reach through the project is, ensure.
  • By the end of the project, the health awareness level of communities in Zaxo, Amadiya and Nineveh plain districts raise.


The mobile clinic project is one of the main health sector projects, supported by Caritas international.

The mobile clinic project’s main goal is to improve the health services to the community of rural villages and remote areas, improve living conditions, decrease mortality and morbidity rates, and raise health awareness in the community in rural and remote areas.

The mobile clinic targeted thirty-three villages from Zakho, Amadiya, and Nineveh plain districts. All the selected villages lack health services.

The mobile clinic project provided health services that included medical examination with follow-up and treatment for chronic and non-chronic diseases, in addition to health awareness sessions in various important health subjects that raised the knowledge of the communities in the medical issues and improve the prevention measures from communicable diseases.

The project duration was for 12 months starting in Jan-2022, the mobile clinic team visited the targeted villages one visits each month.

The mobile clinic team succeeded to treat and follow up about 2762 cases with chronic and non-chronic illnesses, in addition to presenting twelve different medical subjects to the thirty-three villages during the twelve months.

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