
Strengthening, promoting, and preserving the Syriac language, culture, and heritage as an essential part of the Christian community identity in Iraq.

Activities implemented in coordination with CAPNI partners

  1. Cultural and Syriac language activities with different organizations implemented by local partners and organizations.
  • Implement a Syriac language online contest, by the EC sector staff team.
  • Publishing and Printing the book (Ausluko B-Alrouh) of Mr. Salah Matti Ibrahim.
  • Publishing two issues 54-55 and 56-57of the magazine Shragha, published by (Alqosh Culture Society NGO).
  • Printing and designing book (The Christian of Duhok Governorate – a Geographic-Ethnographic Study).
  • Syriac language course for ST. Georges in Duhok.
  • Festival title: God is near: The second annual conference of the Sons of Peace meeting of the Syriac Youth, supervised directly by the Archbishop of Syriac Orthodox Church in Mosul, Kirkuk, and the Kurdistan Region, Mar Nicodemus Daoud Sharaf.
  • Kherota Organization for Human Rights.
  • Printing and designing a book (The Syriac Press, it is Religious Birth, and its National Origin)
  • Translation, design, and printing of Educational cards for children in our mother tongue and according to all letters of the Syriac language, and we re-printed these Educational cards due to the large demand and successful project.
  • Re-printing the brochure of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Syriac language.
  • The Syriac Writers Union: accomplished the following cultural activities:
  • The 6th Berdaisan Poetry Festival / Baghdeda (Qaraqosh).
  • The second youth cultural forum / Bartella village.
  • Nisha Organization for the Empowerment of Youth: Accomplished linguistic and cultural activities through implementing training workshops for those who are interested in the Syriac language in Alqosh Town.
  • Al-Nasser school: providing 6 modern, advanced, and distinctive specifications boards to educate students on the curricula of the Syriac language.
  • Syriac training course: implanting an educational training course for kids in Nahal’a village.
  • Mar Yohanna al Ma’amadan Library: provide Various books for the cathedral library of Mar Yohanna al Ma’amadan.

  1. Printing dictionaries, books, and magazines
  • Oriental Cultural Center: Publishing issues and Printing below books:
  • Printing the book of (Al Ayen Al Mubsera).
  • Publishing issues 43-44 of (Semtha) magazine.
  • Publishing the book (The Grammar of Syriac Language).
  • Publishing the book of (Orkha Deshemsha).
  • Printing the book of (Writers and calligraphers of Dergne village).
  • Printing the book of (Hwa alathe raea).
  • Publishing issue 45 of (Semtha) magazine.
  • Printing the book of (Resala fe altaareb mn alsrianya).
  • Assyrian Writers League
  • Publishing the book (What historians and travelers wrote about the Christian villages of Sapna valley and the diocese Amadya).
  • Publishing issues of (Ma’alta) -second issue- Magazine.
  • Printing the book of (GUGGI).
  • Printing the book of (My confession).
  • Printing the book of (ܐܘܿܒܵܠܸܛ ܫܹܝܕܵܢܵܐ) it means (“ܐܘܿܒܵܠܸܛ is an Assyrian name, ܫܹܝܕܵܢܵܐ means insane).
  • Etuti Institute (Printing Children stories books): Story book printing, in cooperation with “ETUTI” institute (it means “my existential”).
  • Printing the book (Muqadema fe ahamya alm aathar lketab alqadas book) by author Abdulsalam.
  1. Preserving Syriac and documentation activities
  • Digitizing center for Eastern manuscripts in Iraq (C.N.M.O.)
  • Editing a manuscript of Manna’s Arabic-Syriac Dictionary (2nd volume). 
  1. Software applications to teach and support the Syriac language.
  • BET KANU: educational cartoon Syriac language:
  • The first project: Alphabet Series Phase 2.
  • The second project: BET KANU songs.

Suryoyo Sat Channel: “Seyfo of Nineveh Documentary Program” program in three languages: Syriac-mother language, Arabic, and English language.

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